
Google Location Service in Mozilla Firefox Privacy Policy

April 24, 2009

The Google Privacy Policy generally describes how we treat personal information when you use Google’s products and services. In addition, the following describes the privacy practices specific to the Google Location Service that provides geolocation information to the Mozilla Firefox Geolocation Feature. In case of a conflict or ambiguity between the two policies, this policy will prevail.

Websites, including other Google products and services, may use other unrelated geolocation services to locate you. Please refer to those other websites’ and services’ privacy policies for further privacy information.

Information we collect


Information sharing and onward transfer

In addition to the sharing and onward transfer disclosed in the Google Privacy Policy:

Your choices

More information

Google adheres to the US Safe Harbor privacy principles. For more information about the Safe Harbor framework or our registration, see the Department of Commerce’s web site.

For more information about our privacy practices, go to the full privacy policy. For questions concerning the product or your account, please check out the Google Help page.